New and potential patients

New and potential patients:

  • Selecting a dentist can be difficult.   At Village Family Dental and Orthodontics, we want to be your dental practice for life- for you and all your family and friends.  Become part of our family!   We believe that regular check-ups and prompt treatment ensures you will maintain good oral health throughout your life.  We want all our patients to be happy with their smile and the care that we provide to you.

  • Our website,, offers an overview of our practice and information about our doctors and staff. 

  • Most children do not require a pediatric dentist for their care, and should begin seeing a dentist once their first teeth erupt.  Many of our pediatric patients will come along with their mom, dad or siblings before their first check-up to give them a great experience.  Many children associate going to the doctor with unpleasant experiences, and this is not the impression we would like to make with your child.   We use simple terms and explanations to alleviate fear and anxiety.  See our special section:  Your child is important to us in this website.

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